The Dwellop lift frames are developed for global service, with the highest focus on HSE and harsh environment.
Coiled Tubing Lift Frame and Wireline Lift Frame
Technical overview
Up to 750 MT tension
Injector elevation table SWL 20 MT
Main winch SWL 18 MT
Tool winch SWL 2 MT
Stabbing winch 3 MT
Injector tilting
Injector skidding
Product details
Dwellop delivered the first one-piece coiled tubing lifting frame back in 1999. This was the first lift frame ever with an integrated injector handling system.
This injector handling system gave the operators significant safer working environment as the injector was moved by an elevation table that runs on synchronized spindles.
We deliver tailor made lift frames up to 1000 MT.
Offered as standard (CTLF), telescopic (TCTLF) and compensated (CCTLF) in addition to Wireline lift frames (WLLF).
Wireline lift frames (WLLF) is equipped with lubricator handling arm for safe lubricator installation and tool change.

Personnel basket
Heave Compensation (primary or secondary)
Let’s talk about your project.
If you have any requirements or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Most of our products can also be rented through Robust Rental